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Which conventions should we follow in GMT project? There are Eclipse conventions at . Should we follow those blindly?

In FUUT There is a target to run checkstyle with Sun conventions(Eclipse ones are based on them). We can use it to make sure our new code is good enough. Similar way could be applied in other GMT project components.

-- MarkKofman - 03 Jul 2004

FUUT: What about getting rid of warning list in the Eclipse's problems view? This issue could also be mentioned on the list of possible refactoring issues, but i believe first of all we should agree on what warnings we shall fix. Thus, this is also a coding convention issue ;)

-- AntonLitvinenko - 04 Jul 2004

FUUT: I have always used Eclipse with ignore warnings about unused imports. Now, with Eclipse 3, I found that there are >150 of them, so I am fixing them all. It makes the dependencies that we have more clear. I think that in the generated code it is more difficult to avoid unused imports.

-- GhicaVanEmdeBoas - 05Jul 2004

  1. To be able store and load your resource as XMI you have to set-up Resource Type property to "XMI". By default resource type is not specified

-- MarkKofman - 26 Sep 2004

Since it is really difficult for a newbie to understand ideas behind the configuration of FUUT, i believe we need a document describing the purpose of each configuration file.

(Ghica) Here goes... There are three kinds of configurations:

  1. start-up - Needed is a list of plugins to load, this list is supplied in a .ini file, and a .properties file.
  2. code-generation - Needed is a list of templates to use for code generation. If you use the Fuut-je built-in template language, a cglist is needed, if you use Velocity templates, a vlist is needed. Each time the code generation action is invoked, you are given the possibility to choose a list, and the list is read. This means that you can create lists, or change them without stopping/starting Fuut-je. Very handy when developing templates.
  3. batch-processing - Here a list of operations to be performed must be provided in an .ftbatch file.
-- GhicaVanEmdeBoas - 06 Jul 2004

Extensions of configuration files stand for:
cglist - code generation list
vlist - velocity list

While surfing through the FUUT documentation, i have found descritpions for some configuration files.
(Ghica - I am reorganizing this list according to purpose)
processing of a fuut model

conf/fuut2s.ini - List of FUUT plugins used for ... the basic Fuut-je configuration
conf/FtSuperTab.ini - List of FUUT plugins used for ... This list is an extension of the previous list and can be loaded multpiple times, since you can add new tab-panels, each with its own model to your Fuut-je workspace.
conf/fuutbatch.ini - List of FUUT plugins used during the batch processing of fuut models. Note that this is an example only. The actual list needed depends on the list of actions you want to execute, as provided by an .ftbatch file.

conf/FtSwingSet.cglist - A template set used to generate Swing components of generated application (correct?)
Not exactly. This is the basic set of templates needed to generate a full application with a Swing GUI from a Fuut-je model. This set is also used for the generated parts od Fuut-je itself.
conf/EMFStructure.cglist - A template set used to generate EMF structure of a model (correct?)
Almost. This is a set of templates that you can use to generate annotated Java. This Java you can use to import into EMF and EMF will create an EMF model out of it. This is the easiest way to convert a Fuut-je model into an EMF model.
conf/FtDocOnly.cglist - A template set used to generate FUUT documentation (correct? yes Javadoc? no, it is much more compact than Javadoc )

conf/Velo.cglist - A template set used to generate Velocity templates (correct?) -- this should be removed from CVS. It was a failed attempt to generate Velocity templates from Fuut-je templates. Not worth the trouble. (Ghica)

conf/php.vlist - ... this is a set of Velocity templates to generate PHP code and MySQL? DDL from a Fuut-je model. It actually works great, and it is very much work in progress. (Ghica)
conf/FtvList.vlist - ... should be removed

conf/exampleBatch.ftbatch - An example file containing the sequence of actions to be taking during a particular batch procedure. Fuut-je batch processing is very handy to generate code in a build procedure. (Ghica)

resources/ - An example file containing the list of configuration properties used during the batch processing of a fuut model (Exactly what properties are defined here?)
resources/ - List of configuration properties used for initialization of a swing-based FUUT frontend (correct? Exactly what properties are defined here?)
(Ghica) At start-up of Fuut-je you can specify a properties file as parameter (default: If you open up one of the files, the parameters defined in it are pretty obvious I think.
One execption: "InitialMessage = FtBatch? conf/examplebatch.ftbatch" in the indicates the first action to be taken after Fuut-je is started. In this case the FtBatch? action, that takes the .ftbatch file as parameter (see the description about batch processing on the gmt site).

-- AntonLitvinenko - 04 Jul 2004

My suggestion for refactoring the startup configuration processing would be to combine the information in the .ini, .properties and .ftbatch files into one XML file.

Make a model using Fuut-je that can handle this information and generate code for it (see the Fuut-je tutorial). The generated code is capable of reading and writing XML in the desired format, it also has a Swing GUI that you can use to create/edit the XML files. You just have to write a little wrapper to interface this with FuutTool, or whichever module you choose to process the configuration information.

-- GhicaVanEmdeBoas - 06 Jul 2004

Before joining this discussion take a look at FuutConfiguration topic.

Do You think, it is better to separate batch processing configuration and GUI application configuration into separate parts of configuration? I believe it would be more convinient to have one configuration file (as You pointed out on the wiki) and some property of this would tell if FUUT-je to be ran as a GUI app or in batch mode. I think it is possible to create such structure that will represent/encapsulate equally well properties of both configurations. -- AntonLitvinenko - 06 Jul 2004

I think it is better, as I said in the wiki, to combine batch and GUI processing. Actually, Fuutje is not aware at all whether it is running batch or GUI. It depends on the plugins you are loading. You can even do batch in the GUI. It is like a movie you are showing then. -- GhicaVanEmdeBoas - 07 Jul 2004

Combining GUI FUUTje and headless FUUTje (running in batch mode) doesn't mean we should not separate configuration for those! I think final result we would like to achieve is that by configuring build script we can create distribution of headless FUUT or GUI versioned FUUT. It would be good not to leave too much configuration for a user. -- MarkKofman - 07 Jul 2004

It depends. It is not clear to me when you want to run the build. If it is done by us and we provide 2 different downloadable versions, I strongly disagree. The idea of various ways to run Fuut-je is to determine at start-up of Fuut-je what to include anf what not. Still, the user has more classes, not used at that moment in the jar on his local disk. -- GhicaVanEmdeBoas - 12 Jul 2004

One file vs many configuration files.  Sure one file is better, however I don't think it is reasonable sometimes. E.g. we will need to maintain 2 similar configuration files both for GUI FUUTje and for headless. It will make sence to break up the file into units logicaly and to reuse them. -- MarkKofman - 07 Jul 2004

I have already tried Jfig, XmlDigester? and Castor tools for managing the XML configuration of projects. I think, it is a good idea to use FUUT-je facilities to manage its configuration, since if i am not mistaken this will let us to have configuration in a object-oriented style (like castor with its mapping files and marshalling/unmarshalling functionality). On the other hand Jfig is very simple and is very similar to java "properties configuration" in style. XmlDigester? is capable of processing configuration in both object-oriented and properties style and it is quite easy to parse XMLs with it. But neither of these libraries have a tool for editing the configuration. So,in my opinion, it would be cool to generate such GUI tool by FUUT-je. -- AntonLitvinenko - 06 Jul 2004

You will find that Fuut-je is the easiest to use of all these tools, once you understand how a model maps onto the XML. Just do the tutorial, and look at the XML that is saved if you run the generated application and enter some data in it. -- GhicaVanEmdeBoas - 07 Jul 2004

Ghica, I guess you are a bit biased ;) Some points which in my opinion should influence our decision:

  • Using FUUTje for configuration would be "politicaly correct" :). It is ideal case to show benefits of model driven approach or generative approach.
  • Using a tool like Jfig can add additional features specific to managing configuration files and not only XML parsing
  • By using tool meant specially for convinient XML parsing we could gain some good ideas and probably later implement them in the FUUTje
-- MarkKofman - 07 Jul 2004

Of course I am biased :-). Not unfounded though. I have encountered lots of different kinds of XML files in quite a few projects. Each time I have adapted Fuut-je to allow to handle parsing and modeling the XML in the easiest way possible. I did not try Jfig and I have no opportunity to do so now. How would we use it for Fuut-je? Let's have a more specific problem stement. What would you like to have in the configuration and how would you like to influence the build-running of Fuut-je with it, in addition to what is there now? -- GhicaVanEmdeBoas - 12 Jul 2004

I(Ghica) would like to make some remarks about splitting fuut into various jars, considering dependency management. Maybe we can talk about it tonight.

A candidate to put into a separate jar is the org.eclipse.gmt.fuut.common package. This is exactly the code that needs to be included in the classpath for all generated applications (including fuut itself).

What is exactly the functionality there? Is it possible to generate code which doesn't use this common package -- MarkKofman

(Ghica) The functionality of the common package is used by the current code generation templates. For example, it contains some Swing classes and the generic XML parser. If you write your own templates, you may avoid using the common package. It is a difficult question how much code you should provide with generated code. My first version of Fuutje had a whole framework from which the generated code inherited. The disadvantage is, that it is much more difficult to make changes to the code generation and to keep versions separate. The next version had no common code at all. It turned out that this resulted in a lot of duplication, and if you wanted to change something in code that is actually commmon, you have to re-generate all applications. So the common package contains what has proven to be actually common.

Similar for the org.eclipse.gmt.fuut.generator package. You will need it in addition to common if you are using code generation in your generated application.

Isn't it too specific case to deal with that? I guess the probability that you want to use fuut generator in you generated application is quite low. -- MarkKofman

(Ghica) At contrary. A common scenario for a model-driven application would be to first develop a (meta)model that constitutes your DSL. You can then generate an application from this (meta)model. For example the component model that Jorn made. Your action application would be modeled using the DSL and the final application is generated from the generated DSL application. In Fuutje you can use now either it's intrinsic templates that are suitable for Fuutjes own tool model or something close to it. For generated applications it is better to use VElocity templates to further generate code. Another common application for using generation in a (generated) application is for example to renerate reports or html. Velocity was specifically designed as an alternative to XSLT (XSLT is just another, rather difficult template language).

Another thing to think about is, whether we should split the packages differently. For example, if you would not want to generate code using Velocity, The easiest thing to do would be to remove org.eclipse.gmt.fuut.action.FtGenVelocity from the list in the .ini file. As a result, you would not see it, but the code is still there. Since the space it takes is peanuts it is not problem. From a dependency management point of view it would maybe be better to move FtGenVelocity? to the org.eclipse.gmt.fuut.velocity package.

Rearranging packages differently sound good. But in this case we should proper design before. Doing it in refactorign style would take a lot of time -- MarkKofman

Eclipse has some good facilities for rearranging modules and packages. Almost everything is automatic. Of course you do not change functionality this way, but it can be very effective to get the dependencies between packages right.

We should be very careful to not create too many jars. In my previous job the final project had a classpath of some 50 items, and I went totally nuts from it, therefore I repackaged fuutje again into one jar instead of the original 3. It is nice to re-use open or other source from many places in a project, managing the classpath can become a real nightmare and a source of very difficult to spot bugs.

Are you worried about FUUTje own classpath or FUUTje generated applications classpath? If first, then one idea is using Maven? If second, I agree. I would say more: why should generated application be dependent on FUUT jars at all? Only dependency should be generation time, when you use FUUTje. -- MarkKofman

(Ghica) I am talking about the classpath for generated applications and the enveroment where they run in. -- GhicaVanEmdeBoas

-- MarkKofman - 28 Jun 2004

This is the list of refactoring ideas for FUUTje tool. Take any and implement it ;)

  • Priority 1 - Combine different plug-in loaders
  • Priority 1 - Improve FUUTje configuration(resource handling, plugin configuration, other configuration)
  • Priority 1 - Refactor package structure of FUUTje. See also FuutDependencies discussion.
  • Priority 2 - Think of new CVS modelue structure for GMT and FUUTje
  • Priority 2 - Use Log4J for logging
  • Priority 3 - Should we give FUUTje model files specific extension e.g *.fuut

-- MarkKofman - 03 Jul 2004

Models can be expressed in text, XMI etc. The most convenient form to visualize a model is trough a diagram. The most commonly used diagram notation is UML. A simple UML diagram consists of rectangles and lines between rectangles. The rectangles represent classes and the lines represent relationships between classes.

A class in a model should not be confused with a class that is implemented in a programming language such as Java. In business models there will usually be fewer model classes than programmed classes.

Model Diagramming in Fuut-je

The notation that Fuut-je uses for its diagramming is simplified UML, the rectangles represent classes or interfaces and the lines are 1-1 or 1-* relationships. Classes have attributes and methods, relations can have names, roles, multiplicity etc. A significant feature of Fuut-je is, that for each of the tool-model concepts: Classes, Attributes, Methods, Relations, the tool user can define new properties. These properties become part of the tool model and can be used/accessed to steer code generation.

The Fuut-je diagramming part was originally implemented in AWT, and later adapted to Swing. A diagrammer implemented using JHotdraw has been available, but was unfortunately proprietary. With the advent of Eclipse and SWT, and the inclusion of Fuut-je into GMT, the question arises whether Fuut-je should continue to provide its own diagrammer and if yes, whether this diagrammer should use SWT.

-- GhicaVanEmdeBoas - 29 Jul 2004

FUUTje Documentation

  1. FuutBuild? (Building FUUT tool)

FUUTje Tool Open Discussions

  1. FuutDependencies (discussion of FUUTje tool internal and external dependencies)
  2. FuutRefactoring (Ideas on refactoring of FUUTje)
  3. FuutConfiguration (Q&A of FUUTje configuration) -- AntonLitvinenko - 04 Jul 2004
  4. FuutConfigurationImprovement - Ideas on configuration improvement -- MarkKofman - 07 Jul 2004
This is intendet to be a collection of questions and answers regarding GMT architecture. It also is meant to store old discussion and to make GMT more clear to newcomers. As soon as this page is mature it can be a source for GMT FAQ


Q: I think it would be of great value if you would start Architecture description with some introduciton. For example what do you mean by "GMT" or by "GMT tool set", "GMT Platform"? Purpose, Scope, Audience and Glossary would be simple to add, however would add great value! I would actualy create separate Glossary document, because terminology in GMT is quite important to understand.

A: A short Purpose, Scope, Audience is still missing. We should make a start. But there is no need for overlap with the glossary started on

Q: What does "gcore" name stands for? GMT core? Isn't gmtcore a better name then?

A: Just sticking with the eclipse.emf naming style (emf.ecore & gmt.gcore).

Q: Are there any prerequisites to understand the document? I am still having hard time to understand architecture contents.

A: It's not complete yet. It's a living document that needs to evolve and grow over time. But it's not intended as an exhaustive design document! It's intention is to convey the big picture so that GMT developers can get started and know where to look for more detail.

Q: Why would GMT architecture contain "spectoolgenerator". Isn't it one of the pluggable MDA tool components? I am not getting point of its importance! I would concentrate first on building touchable core of GMT architecture and then take tool components one by one and try to integrate them.

A: Correct, it's the one [important] MDA tool component that's part of GMT. (FUUT-je may be a second one).

Q: After reading subsystem overview paragraph I am still not sure what are the subsystems of GMT :)! Is it only gcore and spectoolgenerator(See also previous question)? gcore seem like logical subsystems! But what are the others, Workflow?

A: gcore is the subsystem that provides the interface to all the MDA tool components. Workflow should reside withing gcore, because it is the "core" of GMT. Any other subsystems outside gcore should not have any dependencies to or from any MDA tool components. Examples for other subsystems: one for integrating with the eclipse ide platform, any gmt presentation/UI (how much of that we need depends on whether we need to define workflows withing gmt, or whether we can leverage some open source workflow tool that already has a UI), etc.

Q: Is there compact 3-5 sentance free text description for each subsystem? Now those description are spread through the document.

A: That is already the case in the UML model.

Q: I think in architecture document we should also describe decomposition of gcore itself in more details!

A: Only to a certain point - to clarify the responsibilities of gcore and to define the gcore interface (in the form of Java interfaces with complete signatures). Look at org.eclipse.emf.ecore to see how a good package hierarchy is constructed, i.e. the interfaces that represent the subsystem facade are defined immediately outside the package that implements the subsystem. The nitty-gritty internals of GMT workflow should go into a workflow design document. But we may not even need that much of that if we leverage an external workflow tool.

Q: concept of "ecorewrapper" I believe is a bit out of scope of GMT architecture. Why should GMT care how tool components will implement dependency? For example why should GMT bother how for example GME will implement the integration. We should not care on architecture level if they would do package called ecorewrapper or they will structure their classes any other way. Though, it doesn't mean we should care on political level and not try to help to do this integration. ecorewrapper package itself will not help plugging the component. I think of bigger interest would be specific interfaces and ways of plugging those components and that should be discussed in architecture document.

A: The package name is not so important, let's just call it <<ecorewrapper>> so that we've got a name to refer to it. The intention of this early version of the document is to draw a line in the sand regarding the dependencies that are permissible. The important message: no dependencies whatsoever from gcore on specific MDA tool components. And no dependencies from MDA tool components on any GMT package beyond gcore. The details of the gcore interface and the requirements on <<ecorewrapper>> packages will come as the next step.

Q: In Figure 1 you mix different levels of packages. I think it is not very good to have eclipse and ecore on the same level. It is not very clear what dependency is this and why is it important to be on the model!

A: the "eclipse" package there just stands for the relevant eclipse platform stuff that serves as the foundation. I have not looked at that yet, so don't take the package name literally.

Q: In Figure 1. What does the yellow box Generative Model Transformer means?

A: It's the top level package that contains gcore, and any other gmt subsystems.

Q: "This architecture keeps GMT focussed on tool component orchestration and on providing the integration with the org.eclipse IDE platform". HOW? It would be good to see more details.

A: Still to be done, but within the allowable dependencies defined in the architecture document.

Q: Figure 2. Doesn't explain much to me! What I read from this diagram is that all tool components depend on ecore and gcore. It didn't give promised idea of how MDA tool components will hook into GMT platform. What are the interfaces?

A: See above. Patience, we'll get to that. I've seen too many teams get excited about "internal design" and rush into the supposedly "cool" stuff completely forgetting the bigger picture and creating external dependencies on zillions of things.

Q: Figure 3. GMT package is a bit confusing. "examples" are "fuut" are they really ment to be there?

A: These things are part of the complete GMT package, but they are certainly not part of the GMT functionality that a user would typically use. "fuut" should become just another "MDA tool component" (or two if Ghica wants to keep the visual editor as well).

Q: Now we have Logical View only. Is there any specific reason or is it only time constraint? I would like to see for example mapping with Use Case Model and some kind of implementation view also.

A: Yes, time...Yes we need to relate the use case view to the logical view. The implementation and deployment view are usually not a big deal and can be added as appropriate.

Q: "For this purpose GMT will come equipped with a default set of code generation templates that delivers a web-based specification tool that is suitable for use in a distributed team environment.". Web-based tool doesn't seam for me as remedy for distributed team environment. I don't believe it is possible to develop this in near future.

A: I think you may not yet see what this is about. In a nutshell, in a distributed environment development teams of different subsystems are typically in different locations, however all the modeling artefacts need to be accessible to everyone just like normal source code. A web based application modeling environment greatly eases deployment in a large choatic environment, where developer desktops are not standardised etc. It's actually not such a big deal at all to get a simple version of that working.

Q: Workflow component description is not very well connected now. It would be good to have better description of how workflow fits into GMT.

A: To see what we need from a workflow component we should not theorise, but look at the concrete requirements of "wiring up" oAW to talk to GME via GMT or "wiring up" FUUTje/Velocity to talk to GME via GMT. To be attractive to users the workflow needs to happen as much as possibl behind the scenes, and the user should be working with a "GMT perspective" within Eclipse to launch tools as needed. Again, maybe we don't need a full-blown workflow engine but just the Eclipse plug-in architecture. We can qualify the requirements by mapping out concrete scenarios of the GMT use cases that explicitly refer to oAW, FUUT-je/Velocity, GME, etc. This will lead to concrete worflow requirements, and we use these as the starting point to define the gcore interface(s).

-- MarkKofman - 28 Jun 2004

GMT Core Discussions

  1. WhatIsGmtCore? (discussion of the role of GMT core component)
  2. GmtArchitecture (GMT Architecture)
  3. GmtRoadmap (Discussion of GMT Roadmap)

-- MarkKofman - 28 Jun 2004

GMT First Iteration

  1. CvsStructure? (Thoughts on strucure of GMT development artifacts)
  2. GmtPackaging (Thoughts on GMT packaging and distribution)
  3. EmfExpirience (EMF expirience report)

-- MarkKofman - 26 Sep 2004

Distributed version should have collection:

  • Eclipse plugins
  • Stand alone components
  • Documentation
  • Source and build script for source distribution

-- MarkKofman - 26 Sep 2004

This is intendet to be a collection of questions and answers regarding GMT roadmap. It also is meant to store old discussion and to make GMT more clear to newcomers.

Should not we move our roadmap document into the Wiki? It would be a better way to evolve roadmap. -- MarkKofman


Q: To follow agile approach promised in MDSD so much I would like to see something executable GMT as soon as possible. How can we achieve this?

A: Think the roadmap does this (v0.1, v0.2, ...)

Q: General comment. You speak different "languages" in roadmap comparing to other parts of architecture document. You have talked about subsystems, ecore, gcore, MDA tool components. And in roadmap concepts like domain specific language, specification tool, EMF application,... jumps in without introduction. I would suggest to use terms from this architecture documents. Thats once again shows that we need proper Terminology for our project. It will avoid confusing ourselves and GMT users.

A: That will all be clarified by mapping the use case view onto the logical view, and by the GmtGlossary?. But let's not create documentation for documentation sake, let's just create enough so that we are sure we're on the same page.

Q: version 0.1 goal. "In version 0.1 of GMT the specification tools that we use to capture models expressed in domain-specific languages can be EMF applications generated from meta models captured in Ecore." I am sorry, but I don't read our specific activities from this goal!

A: Yes this is the goal and not the set of activities to reach the goal. One of the next items to produce is a GMT project plan with activities that are assigned to individuals. A simple spreadsheet will do. Send in what you would like to contribute towards v0.1. I'll collect suggestions and coordinate the activities.

Q: version 0.1 goal. Why don't we validate ecore as foundation by trying to pluggin FUUTje?

A: As you have picked up, v0.1 is a very small step. Let's complete that first.

Q: I would have version 0.2 as 0.1 goal. I believe simplistic implementation of gcore is what we have to concentrate first, because it is the core component.

A: Patience. Unless we can satisfy ourselves that ecore and EMF works as we think it should, there's little point building gcore on an unproven foundation. (On steep house building sites for example engineers first test the ground for solidity and potential for slips etc before you start drawaing up plans for a building ;-) ecore is our building site... It can get very expensive if you're building on a difficult site ;-)

Q: I am getting the feeling that we are concentrating on creating MDA tool components instead of working on GMT core ideas. I hope this feeling is because I am still not very familiar with GMT. If not, then we should review roadmap goals.

A: The goals are driven by very down-to-earth, practical considerations. There will be more than enough "cool" work on gcore. The requirements for gcore need to be driven from concrete MDA tool component integration scenarios as outlined above. Otherwise we're building an ivory tower. See MDSD patterns on interaction between domain engineering and application engineering.

Q: If we say that we are using MDSD What step in is creating this architecture document is MDSD paradigm? What should be other activities done by now according to MDSD? Yes, I have read MDSD Activities paper ;) but what I am impling here is description of specific process of how we are going to use MDSD in GMT development. Sure only if we are going to do so!


-- MarkKofman - 28 Jun 2004

First off lets make it easy on ourselves and NOT worry (yet) about distributed tool use (we can have this as an eventual goal, along with a "visual aspect). Web based or not I venture to say that whatever mechanisim we choose, once we introduce "distributed" use then the same problems will have to be addressed. --Jeff

Sure the distributed can come later, although once we have a web-based interface, the "only" ;-) other thing we need is a good central repository that can store models, see below. We could either use an SQL database or use an object database. What such a repository should allow you to do, is to open up a model for editing to a (small) group of people. --Jorn

:) I like your smile near "only". As soon as we have model repository there is no big difference how you access it. I think discussion on Web-based or not is not very much related to ModelAndTransformationManagement topic. What do you think? -- MarkKofman

Ultimately what I think you need is:

  • a BA may sit together with a customer, capturing model information, while a designer is watching the model evolve in a different location, who may then modify bits and pieces.
  • Similarly two designers/developers may collaboratively work on a shared model even though they're in different locations.
  • Locking: As long as the models are accessible from multiple locations and updated in a repository as changes occur, it may be sufficient for one person to have a lock and others being able to watch the changes (live!). This works if the editing lock on a package (model part) can be passed around in a small virtual team like a token. (Like using a walkie tackie, you aquire the lock by pressing a button that signals your request to the current owner of the lock). The most important thing though is very simple: a locking mechanism at a "package" level, that gives access to a manageable model part to one person. Basically it amounts to shared workspaces for collaboration. If models get large, several separate workspaces can be used by different groups of people, with each workspace dealing with a separate package (model part). But to start, we can keep it very simple: One person locks a package and works on it and then check it back in. The "repository" can consist of XMI files and versioning is CVS (or "Subversion". Have you seen that yet? It's apparently "next generation" CVS). --Jorn
  • Model comparisson and merge possibility -- MarkKofman
  • Decomposition of the model -- MarkKofman

Web based or not its about generation of a specification tool for use with a specific meta-model. Having said that, a web based interface seems to work well with the idea of "Dynamic" (re)generation of a specification medium.

  1. It works on almost all platforms and is (nearly) identical in appearence.
  2. We have access to a good cross platform servlet reference implementation that is open-source (used by eGen, so we know it works).
  3. We know it can work, even if we can't vouch for the distributed part. However, as I said earlier this is an issue that would have to be address regardless of the specification medium choosen.

Yes, exactly. --Jorn

Perhaps the alternatives would come with additional issues, who knows? --Jeff

  1. OK, its good, but it doesn't help anyhow in solving needs described above.
  2. I am not sure what do you mean here. Do you want to say that Tomcat is good enough?

I would also like to mention some negative points of Web-based tools. Those points in my opinion are quite important considering the fact that we are talking about development tools

  • They are slow comparing to fat clients
  • They are usualy inconvinient to use.
  • They are harder to develop well
  • There is a lot to reuse in Eclipse platform

To conclude I would say that still I don't see any big additional value comparing to Eclipse based solutions. If we are going to postpone model management problems, then we should also postpone solution ideas for now.

-- MarkKofman

Yes. That's why I suggest: let's see how far we get with EMF for version 0.1. Should hopefully allow us to bootstrap, and then focus on a single user, web-based interface for generated specification tools. --Jorn

-- JornBettin - 13 Jun 2004

Topic Changed By
WebStatistics 11 Feb 2008 - 01:12 TWikiGuest
WebContents 18 May 2005 - 10:50 AmudhaVijay
WebHome 02 Dec 2004 - 23:40 MartinBravenboer
EmfExpirience 26 Sep 2004 - 16:08 MarkKofman
GmtPackaging 26 Sep 2004 - 16:01 MarkKofman
GmtFirstIteration 26 Sep 2004 - 15:57 MarkKofman
FuutjeModeler 29 Jul 2004 - 21:54 GhicaVanEmdeBoas
FuutConfigurationImprovement 12 Jul 2004 - 19:31 GhicaVanEmdeBoas
WebNotify 07 Jul 2004 - 16:46 MarkKofman
FuutjeTemplateEngine 07 Jul 2004 - 06:58 MarkKofman
FuutConfiguration 06 Jul 2004 - 14:52 GhicaVanEmdeBoas
CodingConventions 05 Jul 2004 - 19:58 GhicaVanEmdeBoas
FuutRefactoring 03 Jul 2004 - 12:07 MarkKofman
TheBigPicture 03 Jul 2004 - 10:50 MarkKofman
FuutDependencies 28 Jun 2004 - 19:07 GhicaVanEmdeBoas
GmtRoadmap 28 Jun 2004 - 17:10 MarkKofman
GmtArchitecture 28 Jun 2004 - 16:49 MarkKofman
GmtCore 28 Jun 2004 - 16:35 MarkKofman
ModelAndTransformationManagement 28 Jun 2004 - 11:02 MarkKofman
WebChanges 02 Jun 2004 - 12:29 EelcoVisser
WebLeftBar 10 Feb 2004 - 21:59 EelcoVisser
WebRss 08 Feb 2004 - 22:11 MartinBravenboer
WebPreferences 01 Jul 2003 - 08:44 EelcoVisser
WebNews 21 May 2003 - 13:32 EelcoVisser
WebTools 18 May 2003 - 12:40 EelcoVisser
WebChanges100 06 Dec 2001 - 13:26 EelcoVisser
WebChanges200 06 Dec 2001 - 13:25 EelcoVisser
WebChanges500 06 Dec 2001 - 13:23 EelcoVisser
WebIndex 02 Dec 2001 - 21:20 EelcoVisser
WebSearch 09 May 2001 - 21:56 EelcoVisser

See also

Topic Changed By
WebStatistics 11 Feb 2008 - 01:12 TWikiGuest
WebContents 18 May 2005 - 10:50 AmudhaVijay
WebHome 02 Dec 2004 - 23:40 MartinBravenboer
EmfExpirience 26 Sep 2004 - 16:08 MarkKofman
GmtPackaging 26 Sep 2004 - 16:01 MarkKofman
GmtFirstIteration 26 Sep 2004 - 15:57 MarkKofman
FuutjeModeler 29 Jul 2004 - 21:54 GhicaVanEmdeBoas
FuutConfigurationImprovement 12 Jul 2004 - 19:31 GhicaVanEmdeBoas
WebNotify 07 Jul 2004 - 16:46 MarkKofman
FuutjeTemplateEngine 07 Jul 2004 - 06:58 MarkKofman
FuutConfiguration 06 Jul 2004 - 14:52 GhicaVanEmdeBoas
CodingConventions 05 Jul 2004 - 19:58 GhicaVanEmdeBoas
FuutRefactoring 03 Jul 2004 - 12:07 MarkKofman
TheBigPicture 03 Jul 2004 - 10:50 MarkKofman
FuutDependencies 28 Jun 2004 - 19:07 GhicaVanEmdeBoas
GmtRoadmap 28 Jun 2004 - 17:10 MarkKofman
GmtArchitecture 28 Jun 2004 - 16:49 MarkKofman
GmtCore 28 Jun 2004 - 16:35 MarkKofman
ModelAndTransformationManagement 28 Jun 2004 - 11:02 MarkKofman
WebChanges 02 Jun 2004 - 12:29 EelcoVisser
WebLeftBar 10 Feb 2004 - 21:59 EelcoVisser
WebRss 08 Feb 2004 - 22:11 MartinBravenboer
WebPreferences 01 Jul 2003 - 08:44 EelcoVisser
WebNews 21 May 2003 - 13:32 EelcoVisser
WebTools 18 May 2003 - 12:40 EelcoVisser
WebChanges100 06 Dec 2001 - 13:26 EelcoVisser
WebChanges200 06 Dec 2001 - 13:25 EelcoVisser
WebChanges500 06 Dec 2001 - 13:23 EelcoVisser
WebIndex 02 Dec 2001 - 21:20 EelcoVisser
WebSearch 09 May 2001 - 21:56 EelcoVisser
Topic Changed By
WebStatistics 11 Feb 2008 - 01:12 TWikiGuest
WebContents 18 May 2005 - 10:50 AmudhaVijay
WebHome 02 Dec 2004 - 23:40 MartinBravenboer
EmfExpirience 26 Sep 2004 - 16:08 MarkKofman
GmtPackaging 26 Sep 2004 - 16:01 MarkKofman
GmtFirstIteration 26 Sep 2004 - 15:57 MarkKofman
FuutjeModeler 29 Jul 2004 - 21:54 GhicaVanEmdeBoas
FuutConfigurationImprovement 12 Jul 2004 - 19:31 GhicaVanEmdeBoas
WebNotify 07 Jul 2004 - 16:46 MarkKofman
FuutjeTemplateEngine 07 Jul 2004 - 06:58 MarkKofman
FuutConfiguration 06 Jul 2004 - 14:52 GhicaVanEmdeBoas
CodingConventions 05 Jul 2004 - 19:58 GhicaVanEmdeBoas
FuutRefactoring 03 Jul 2004 - 12:07 MarkKofman
TheBigPicture 03 Jul 2004 - 10:50 MarkKofman
FuutDependencies 28 Jun 2004 - 19:07 GhicaVanEmdeBoas
GmtRoadmap 28 Jun 2004 - 17:10 MarkKofman
GmtArchitecture 28 Jun 2004 - 16:49 MarkKofman
GmtCore 28 Jun 2004 - 16:35 MarkKofman
ModelAndTransformationManagement 28 Jun 2004 - 11:02 MarkKofman
WebChanges 02 Jun 2004 - 12:29 EelcoVisser
WebLeftBar 10 Feb 2004 - 21:59 EelcoVisser
WebRss 08 Feb 2004 - 22:11 MartinBravenboer
WebPreferences 01 Jul 2003 - 08:44 EelcoVisser
WebNews 21 May 2003 - 13:32 EelcoVisser
WebTools 18 May 2003 - 12:40 EelcoVisser
WebChanges100 06 Dec 2001 - 13:26 EelcoVisser
WebChanges200 06 Dec 2001 - 13:25 EelcoVisser
WebChanges500 06 Dec 2001 - 13:23 EelcoVisser
WebIndex 02 Dec 2001 - 21:20 EelcoVisser
WebSearch 09 May 2001 - 21:56 EelcoVisser
Topic Changed By
WebStatistics 11 Feb 2008 - 01:12 TWikiGuest
WebContents 18 May 2005 - 10:50 AmudhaVijay
WebHome 02 Dec 2004 - 23:40 MartinBravenboer
EmfExpirience 26 Sep 2004 - 16:08 MarkKofman
GmtPackaging 26 Sep 2004 - 16:01 MarkKofman
GmtFirstIteration 26 Sep 2004 - 15:57 MarkKofman
FuutjeModeler 29 Jul 2004 - 21:54 GhicaVanEmdeBoas
FuutConfigurationImprovement 12 Jul 2004 - 19:31 GhicaVanEmdeBoas
WebNotify 07 Jul 2004 - 16:46 MarkKofman
FuutjeTemplateEngine 07 Jul 2004 - 06:58 MarkKofman
FuutConfiguration 06 Jul 2004 - 14:52 GhicaVanEmdeBoas
CodingConventions 05 Jul 2004 - 19:58 GhicaVanEmdeBoas
FuutRefactoring 03 Jul 2004 - 12:07 MarkKofman
TheBigPicture 03 Jul 2004 - 10:50 MarkKofman
FuutDependencies 28 Jun 2004 - 19:07 GhicaVanEmdeBoas
GmtRoadmap 28 Jun 2004 - 17:10 MarkKofman
GmtArchitecture 28 Jun 2004 - 16:49 MarkKofman
GmtCore 28 Jun 2004 - 16:35 MarkKofman
ModelAndTransformationManagement 28 Jun 2004 - 11:02 MarkKofman
WebChanges 02 Jun 2004 - 12:29 EelcoVisser
WebLeftBar 10 Feb 2004 - 21:59 EelcoVisser
WebRss 08 Feb 2004 - 22:11 MartinBravenboer
WebPreferences 01 Jul 2003 - 08:44 EelcoVisser
WebNews 21 May 2003 - 13:32 EelcoVisser
WebTools 18 May 2003 - 12:40 EelcoVisser
WebChanges100 06 Dec 2001 - 13:26 EelcoVisser
WebChanges200 06 Dec 2001 - 13:25 EelcoVisser
WebChanges500 06 Dec 2001 - 13:23 EelcoVisser
WebIndex 02 Dec 2001 - 21:20 EelcoVisser
WebSearch 09 May 2001 - 21:56 EelcoVisser

Test Web

This is for testing

Generative Model Transformer

Edit WebContents to add links to the content bar on the left.

Edit WebPreferences to change color of the content bar.

This wiki is the Innovation Pipeline for the Generative Model Transformer project. Of course we also have the GMT mailing list and the GMT newsgroup. So how do all these channels fit together?

  1. The GMT mailing list is the vehicle for communication regarding current development work and features that are on the GMT roadmap. I.e. the mailing list contains posts from those actively working on GMT.
  2. The GMT newsgroup is the vehicle for GMT developers to communicate with the GMT user community and for GMT users ask questions about using GMT etc.
  3. The GMT wiki, i.e. what you are looking at now, is the place where GMT users and GMT developers discuss and exchange ideas about future features of the GMT MDA/MDSD tool component platform that are not yet on the GMT roadmap.

Please use the structure below to navigate the GMT Innovation Pipeline, and add your suggestions as appropriate. The more concrete you can be in describing your requirements or your design ideas, the higher the chance that they will be picked up! Once sufficient material has been gathered, we will poll GMT users for their priorities.

GMT Tool Components

  1. TheBigPicture (discussion of the big picture across GMT tool components)
  2. GmtRoadmap (Discussion on GMT Roadmap)
  3. GmtCore (the GMT component that orchestrates MDA/MDSD tool components)
  4. GmtFirstIteration (GMT first iteration)
  5. FuutjeTemplateEngine (the Fuut-je template engine)
  6. FuutjeModeler (the Fuut-je visual modeling component)
  7. FuutjeAndXML? and Modeling (Discussion on the role of XML/XMI/XSD in modeling)
  8. SpecificationToolGenerator? (component to generate specification tools from meta models in Ecore format)
  9. GmePlugin? (enabling GME to plug into GmtCore)
  10. OpenArchitecturEnginePlugin? (enabling the Open Architectur Ware template engine to plug into GmtCore)
  11. OpenArchitecturEditorPlugin? (enabling the Open Architectur Ware template editor to plug into GmtCore)
  12. FurtherToolComponents? (suggestions for further MDA/MDSD tool components)
  13. Information about the intended meta-model example used in GMT 0.1 at


Creation of the GMT web.

WebNotify is a subscription service to be automatically notified by email when topics change in the TWiki.Gmt web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come back and check all the time if something has changed. To subscribe to the service, please put yourself on the list below. The format is: 3 spaces * Main.yourWikiName - yourEmailAddress

Related topics: TWikiUsers, TWikiRegistration

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    • Set WEBTITLE = Generative Model Transformer

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    • Set SITEMAPLIST = on
    • Set SITEMAPWHAT = Generative Model Transformer

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  • Default template for new topics and form(s) for this web:
    • WebTopicEditTemplate?: Default template for new topics in this web. (Site-level is used if topic does not exist)
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  • You can introduce new preferences variables and use them in your topics and templates. There is no need to change the TWiki engine (Perl scripts).

Related Topics:

TWiki's Gmt web /view/Gmt en-us Copyright 2020 by contributing authors Eelco Visser [] Eelco Visser [] TWiki TWiki.Gmt TWiki home.Gmt /view/Gmt /pub/TWiki/TWikiLogos/twikiRobot46x50.gif WebStatistics /view/Gmt/WebStatistics?t=2008-02-11T01:12Z Statistics for TWiki.Gmt Web Month: Topic Views: Topic Saves: Attachment Uploads: Most Popular Topic Views: Top Contributors for Topic Save and Uploads: Feb 2008 ... (last changed by TWikiGuest) 2008-02-11T01:12Z guest 1.1586 updated major /rdiff/Gmt/WebStatistics /rdiff/Gmt/WebStatistics WebContents /view/Gmt/WebContents?t=2005-05-18T10:50Z Test Web This is for testing (last changed by AmudhaVijay) 2005-05-18T10:50Z AmudhaVijay 1.1 updated major /rdiff/Gmt/WebContents /rdiff/Gmt/WebContents WebHome /view/Gmt/WebHome?t=2004-12-02T23:40Z Generative Model Transformer Edit WebContents to add links to the content bar on the left. Edit WebPreferences to change color of the content bar. This wiki is the ... (last changed by MartinBravenboer) 2004-12-02T23:40Z MartinBravenboer 1.58 updated major /rdiff/Gmt/WebHome /rdiff/Gmt/WebHome EmfExpirience /view/Gmt/EmfExpirience?t=2004-09-26T16:08Z 1 To be able store and load your resource as XMI you have to set-up Resource Type property to "XMI". By default resource type is not specified Main.MarkKofman 26 ... (last changed by MarkKofman) 2004-09-26T16:08Z MarkKofman 1.1 updated major /rdiff/Gmt/EmfExpirience /rdiff/Gmt/EmfExpirience GmtPackaging /view/Gmt/GmtPackaging?t=2004-09-26T16:01Z Distributed version should have collection: Eclipse plugins Stand alone components Documentation Source and build script for source distribution Main.MarkKofman ... (last changed by MarkKofman) 2004-09-26T16:01Z MarkKofman 1.1 updated major /rdiff/Gmt/GmtPackaging /rdiff/Gmt/GmtPackaging GmtFirstIteration /view/Gmt/GmtFirstIteration?t=2004-09-26T15:57Z GMT First Iteration 1 CvsStructure (Thoughts on strucure of GMT development artifacts) 1 GmtPackaging (Thoughts on GMT packaging and distribution) 1 EmfExpirience ... (last changed by MarkKofman) 2004-09-26T15:57Z MarkKofman 1.1 updated major /rdiff/Gmt/GmtFirstIteration /rdiff/Gmt/GmtFirstIteration FuutjeModeler /view/Gmt/FuutjeModeler?t=2004-07-29T21:54Z Models can be expressed in text, XMI etc. The most convenient form to visualize a model is trough a diagram. The most commonly used diagram notation is UML. A simple ... (last changed by GhicaVanEmdeBoas) 2004-07-29T21:54Z GhicaVanEmdeBoas 1.1 updated major /rdiff/Gmt/FuutjeModeler /rdiff/Gmt/FuutjeModeler FuutConfigurationImprovement /view/Gmt/FuutConfigurationImprovement?t=2004-07-12T19:31Z Before joining this discussion take a look at FuutConfiguration topic. Do You think, it is better to separate batch processing configuration and GUI application configuration ... (last changed by GhicaVanEmdeBoas) 2004-07-12T19:31Z GhicaVanEmdeBoas 1.3 updated major /rdiff/Gmt/FuutConfigurationImprovement /rdiff/Gmt/FuutConfigurationImprovement WebNotify /view/Gmt/WebNotify?t=2004-07-07T16:46Z WebNotify is a subscription service to be automatically notified by email when topics change in the TWiki.Gmt web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have ... (last changed by MarkKofman) 2004-07-07T16:46Z MarkKofman 1.15 updated major /rdiff/Gmt/WebNotify /rdiff/Gmt/WebNotify FuutjeTemplateEngine /view/Gmt/FuutjeTemplateEngine?t=2004-07-07T06:58Z FUUTje Documentation 1 FuutBuild (Building FUUT tool) FUUTje Tool Open Discussions 1 FuutDependencies (discussion of FUUTje tool internal and external dependencies ... (last changed by MarkKofman) 2004-07-07T06:58Z MarkKofman 1.6 updated major /rdiff/Gmt/FuutjeTemplateEngine /rdiff/Gmt/FuutjeTemplateEngine FuutConfiguration /view/Gmt/FuutConfiguration?t=2004-07-06T14:52Z Since it is really difficult for a newbie to understand ideas behind the configuration of FUUT, i believe we need a document describing the purpose of each configuration ... (last changed by GhicaVanEmdeBoas) 2004-07-06T14:52Z GhicaVanEmdeBoas 1.2 updated major /rdiff/Gmt/FuutConfiguration /rdiff/Gmt/FuutConfiguration CodingConventions /view/Gmt/CodingConventions?t=2004-07-05T19:58Z Which conventions should we follow in GMT project? There are Eclipse conventions at . Should we follow those blindly? In FUUT ... (last changed by GhicaVanEmdeBoas) 2004-07-05T19:58Z GhicaVanEmdeBoas 1.3 updated major /rdiff/Gmt/CodingConventions /rdiff/Gmt/CodingConventions FuutRefactoring /view/Gmt/FuutRefactoring?t=2004-07-03T12:07Z This is the list of refactoring ideas for FUUTje tool. Take any and implement it ;) Priority 1 Combine different plug-in loaders Priority 1 Improve FUUTje configuration ... (last changed by MarkKofman) 2004-07-03T12:07Z MarkKofman 1.1 updated major /rdiff/Gmt/FuutRefactoring /rdiff/Gmt/FuutRefactoring TheBigPicture /view/Gmt/TheBigPicture?t=2004-07-03T10:50Z 1 ModelAndTransformationManagement 1 CodingConventions Main.JornBettin 13 Jun 2004 (last changed by MarkKofman) 2004-07-03T10:50Z MarkKofman 1.2 updated major /rdiff/Gmt/TheBigPicture /rdiff/Gmt/TheBigPicture FuutDependencies /view/Gmt/FuutDependencies?t=2004-06-28T19:07Z I(Ghica) would like to make some remarks about splitting fuut into various jars, considering dependency management. Maybe we can talk about it tonight. A candidate ... (last changed by GhicaVanEmdeBoas) 2004-06-28T19:07Z GhicaVanEmdeBoas 1.2 updated major /rdiff/Gmt/FuutDependencies /rdiff/Gmt/FuutDependencies GmtRoadmap /view/Gmt/GmtRoadmap?t=2004-06-28T17:10Z This is intendet to be a collection of questions and answers regarding GMT roadmap. It also is meant to store old discussion and to make GMT more clear to newcomers ... (last changed by MarkKofman) 2004-06-28T17:10Z MarkKofman 1.1 updated major /rdiff/Gmt/GmtRoadmap /rdiff/Gmt/GmtRoadmap
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Statistics for TWiki.Gmt Web

Month: Topic
Most Popular
Topic Views:
Top Contributors for
Topic Save and Uploads:
Feb 2008 1896 0 0 369 WebStatistics
224 WebHome
136 WebLeftBar
111 WebNotify
 98 WebNews
 93 WebChanges
 83 WebRss
 74 WebPreferences
 47 WebChanges200
 42 WebChanges500
 41 WebTools
Jan 2008 5924 0 0 1378 WebStatistics
747 WebHome
355 WebChanges
282 WebRss
272 WebNotify
242 WebNews
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144 FuutjeTemplateEngine
115 FuutDependencies
108 WebTools
Dec 2007 3904 0 0 507 WebHome
441 WebStatistics
255 WebRss
218 WebChanges
205 WebNotify
182 WebNews
152 WebLeftBar
132 FuutjeTemplateEngine
108 TheBigPicture
107 WebSearch
107 WebPreferences
Nov 2007 2726 0 0 358 WebStatistics
325 WebHome
213 WebChanges
146 WebNews
145 WebNotify
127 WebLeftBar
122 WebRss
100 FuutjeTemplateEngine
 98 WebPreferences
 63 WebTools
 62 WebSearch
Oct 2007 2929 0 0 561 WebStatistics
289 WebHome
170 WebNews
165 WebNotify
124 WebChanges
113 WebLeftBar
102 FuutjeTemplateEngine
 85 WebPreferences
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 73 TheBigPicture
 72 FuutjeModeler
Sep 2007 3918 0 0 1059 WebStatistics
426 WebHome
192 WebNotify
185 WebChanges
177 WebNews
135 WebRss
102 WebPreferences
 99 FuutjeTemplateEngine
 90 WebSearch
 88 TheBigPicture
 78 WebIndex
Aug 2007 5360 0 0 1503 WebStatistics
567 WebHome
260 WebChanges
234 WebNotify
180 WebLeftBar
170 WebNews
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121 FuutjeTemplateEngine
119 WebChanges500
116 WebRss
111 TheBigPicture
Jul 2007 7513 0 0 1026 WebStatistics
1025 WebHome
400 WebChanges
397 WebNotify
339 WebNews
304 WebLeftBar
249 WebPreferences
222 FuutjeTemplateEngine
181 FuutDependencies
173 TheBigPicture
165 WebContents
Jun 2007 4086 0 0 438 WebHome
334 WebStatistics
220 WebLeftBar
196 WebChanges
189 WebNews
171 WebNotify
139 FuutjeTemplateEngine
132 WebPreferences
128 WebRss
117 TheBigPicture
114 WebContents
May 2007 3317 0 0 728 WebStatistics
299 WebHome
199 WebChanges
143 WebLeftBar
133 WebNotify
129 WebNews
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 85 FuutjeTemplateEngine
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Apr 2007 3483 0 0 674 WebStatistics
354 WebHome
182 WebNotify
175 WebChanges
158 WebNews
117 WebIndex
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 96 FuutjeTemplateEngine
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 89 TheBigPicture
Mar 2007 2876 0 0 354 WebHome
323 WebStatistics
149 WebNews
118 WebNotify
117 WebChanges
111 WebLeftBar
108 WebIndex
103 FuutjeTemplateEngine
 95 WebRss
 86 TheBigPicture
 79 WebSearch
Feb 2007 3299 0 0 344 WebStatistics
255 WebHome
181 WebNews
180 WebChanges
132 WebNotify
124 WebLeftBar
117 WebIndex
113 WebPreferences
106 FuutjeTemplateEngine
104 WebRss
 85 FuutConfigurationImprovement
Jan 2007 4322 0 0 1257 WebStatistics
427 WebHome
227 WebNews
175 WebLeftBar
152 WebChanges
145 WebNotify
119 WebIndex
104 FuutjeTemplateEngine
 97 WebRss
 92 WebPreferences
 76 WebContents
Dec 2006 2539 0 0 296 WebHome
278 WebStatistics
124 WebChanges
110 WebNews
103 WebLeftBar
 97 WebNotify
 92 WebSearch
 88 WebIndex
 88 WebRss
 81 GmtPackaging
 73 FuutjeTemplateEngine
Nov 2006 2973 0 0 614 WebStatistics
245 WebHome
164 WebNews
127 WebChanges
118 WebLeftBar
 94 WebRss
 80 WebNotify
 79 WebSearch
 72 WebIndex
 71 WebPreferences
 70 CodingConventions
Oct 2006 3004 0 0 774 WebStatistics
285 WebHome
140 WebChanges
133 WebNews
125 WebLeftBar
115 WebIndex
109 WebNotify
 74 FuutjeTemplateEngine
 66 WebRss
 66 WebPreferences
 54 GmtCore
Sep 2006 3220 0 0 480 WebStatistics
234 WebHome
194 WebIndex
161 WebLeftBar
147 WebNews
141 WebNotify
121 WebChanges
 97 WebRss
 90 GmtCore
 84 GmtRoadmap
 81 TheBigPicture
Aug 2006 3758 0 0 556 WebStatistics
495 WebHome
208 WebIndex
177 WebChanges
162 WebNews
151 WebNotify
149 WebRss
117 WebLeftBar
113 FuutjeTemplateEngine
100 TheBigPicture
 99 WebPreferences
Jul 2006 5209 0 0 997 WebStatistics
663 WebHome
305 WebNotify
259 WebNews
246 WebChanges
200 WebRss
198 WebLeftBar
179 WebIndex
144 WebPreferences
115 WebSearch
112 FuutjeTemplateEngine
Jun 2006 8323 0 0 2898 WebRss
1060 WebStatistics
848 WebHome
266 WebNews
234 WebNotify
234 WebChanges
234 WebLeftBar
164 WebPreferences
133 FuutjeTemplateEngine
130 WebIndex
120 WebSearch
May 2006 19622 0 0 11627 WebRss
2809 WebStatistics
766 WebHome
431 WebChanges
365 WebNotify
275 WebLeftBar
252 WebNews
205 WebPreferences
197 WebSearch
192 WebIndex
171 FuutjeTemplateEngine
Apr 2006 15858 0 0 10297 WebRss
1106 WebStatistics
603 WebHome
350 WebChanges
295 WebNews
265 WebNotify
233 WebLeftBar
227 WebIndex
200 WebPreferences
168 WebSearch
127 WebChanges200
Mar 2006 10970 0 0 6399 WebRss
638 WebStatistics
609 WebHome
270 WebChanges
261 WebNotify
186 WebNews
166 WebIndex
157 WebSearch
156 WebLeftBar
142 FuutjeTemplateEngine
114 FuutDependencies
Feb 2006 11115 0 0 7768 WebRss
538 WebHome
538 WebStatistics
189 WebNotify
170 WebChanges
148 WebNews
130 WebPreferences
111 WebLeftBar
 94 FuutjeTemplateEngine
 90 CodingConventions
 81 WebIndex
Jan 2006 4697 0 0 1403 WebRss
498 WebHome
494 WebStatistics
200 WebChanges
194 WebNotify
167 WebNews
130 WebPreferences
108 WebLeftBar
102 FuutjeTemplateEngine
 89 WebSearch
 82 WebIndex
Dec 2005 17845 0 0 13957 WebRss
814 WebHome
578 WebStatistics
261 WebNotify
199 WebChanges
191 WebNews
163 WebLeftBar
116 WebPreferences
115 WebSearch
102 WebIndex
101 FuutjeTemplateEngine
Nov 2005 12350 0 0 7671 WebRss
1639 WebStatistics
663 WebHome
252 WebNotify
184 WebChanges
135 WebIndex
134 WebLeftBar
134 WebNews
107 WebSearch
107 WebPreferences
101 FuutjeTemplateEngine
Oct 2005 7950 0 0 4777 WebRss
580 WebHome
207 WebNotify
191 WebChanges
161 WebIndex
135 WebNews
132 WebLeftBar
 98 WebSearch
 98 TheBigPicture
 96 FuutjeTemplateEngine
 93 CodingConventions
Sep 2005 5414 0 0 3678 WebRss
281 WebHome
106 WebNotify
 85 WebChanges
 72 WebIndex
 72 WebNews
 62 WebSearch
 58 TheBigPicture
 58 WebStatistics
 56 CodingConventions
 55 FuutjeTemplateEngine
Aug 2005 5318 0 0 3601 WebRss
308 WebHome
134 WebChanges
111 WebNotify
102 WebIndex
 71 WebLeftBar
 57 TheBigPicture
 57 WebNews
 54 FuutjeTemplateEngine
 54 WebSearch
 50 WebStatistics
Jul 2005 8486 0 0 6384 WebRss
361 WebHome
132 WebChanges
124 WebIndex
 97 WebNotify
 90 WebNews
 78 WebStatistics
 66 WebPreferences
 63 TheBigPicture
 60 FuutConfiguration
 59 FuutjeTemplateEngine
Jun 2005 9502 0 0 7951 WebRss
341 WebHome
 82 WebChanges
 80 WebNotify
 77 WebNews
 60 TheBigPicture
 56 FuutjeTemplateEngine
 50 WebIndex
 50 WebStatistics
 48 WebPreferences
 45 ModelAndTransformationManagement
May 2005 6991 4 1 5449 WebRss
305 WebHome
 93 WebChanges
 70 WebNews
 65 TheBigPicture
 62 FuutjeTemplateEngine
 55 WebNotify
 51 GmtArchitecture
 50 GmtCore
 44 ModelAndTransformationManagement
 44 WebStatistics
  5 AmudhaVijay
Apr 2005 1801 0 0 375 WebHome
227 WebRss
108 WebChanges
 87 WebNews
 76 WebPreferences
 76 TheBigPicture
 62 ModelAndTransformationManagement
 61 WebNotify
 60 WebContents
 44 FuutjeTemplateEngine
 44 WebStatistics
Mar 2005 1947 0 0 400 WebRss
378 WebHome
214 WebChanges
 98 TheBigPicture
 61 WebPreferences
 59 ModelAndTransformationManagement
 57 WebNews
 56 WebContents
 48 FuutjeTemplateEngine
 47 WebChanges100
 41 GmtRoadmap
Feb 2005 1404 0 0 310 WebHome
249 WebRss
 80 WebNews
 79 WebChanges
 57 WebPreferences
 47 WebContents
 45 TheBigPicture
 41 WebNotify
 35 ModelAndTransformationManagement
 34 FuutjeTemplateEngine
 27 WebSearch
Jan 2005 1697 0 0 384 WebHome
301 WebRss
 96 TheBigPicture
 88 WebNews
 87 WebChanges
 70 ModelAndTransformationManagement
 59 GmtRoadmap
 51 WebPreferences
 46 GmtCore
 45 WebContents
 44 FuutjeTemplateEngine
Dec 2004 1292 6 0 336 WebHome
144 WebRss
 69 WebChanges
 66 TheBigPicture
 61 WebNews
 53 WebPreferences
 42 FuutjeTemplateEngine
 41 ModelAndTransformationManagement
 36 WebNotify
 33 WebSearch
 33 FuutjeModeler
  6 MartinBravenboer
Nov 2004 994 0 0 347 WebRss
141 WebHome
 47 TheBigPicture
 37 ModelAndTransformationManagement
 32 WebChanges
 29 GmtRoadmap
 29 GmtArchitecture
 26 GmtCore
 25 GmtFirstIteration
 25 FuutjeModeler
 24 FuutjeTemplateEngine
Oct 2004 897 0 0 223 WebHome
184 WebRss
 64 TheBigPicture
 51 ModelAndTransformationManagement
 40 GmtRoadmap
 30 GmtCore
 27 WebChanges
 26 GmtArchitecture
 26 CodingConventions
 25 FuutjeTemplateEngine
 25 FuutjeModeler
Sep 2004 1192 4 0 590 WebHome
206 WebRss
 49 TheBigPicture
 44 ModelAndTransformationManagement
 31 GmtRoadmap
 29 FuutjeModeler
 22 WebNews
 22 GmtCore
 20 WebChanges
 18 FuutjeTemplateEngine
 17 GmtArchitecture
  4 MarkKofman
Aug 2004 786 0 0 230 WebHome
 72 TheBigPicture
 66 ModelAndTransformationManagement
 42 WebRss
 38 GmtRoadmap
 36 GmtCore
 36 FuutjeTemplateEngine
 34 CodingConventions
 33 FuutjeModeler
 28 GmtArchitecture
 21 WebNews
Jul 2004 1166 28 0 335 WebHome
119 TheBigPicture
 97 ModelAndTransformationManagement
 85 WebChanges
 78 FuutjeTemplateEngine
 63 GmtRoadmap
 54 GmtCore
 53 CodingConventions
 40 GmtArchitecture
 32 FuutConfiguration
 30 FuutDependencies
 14 MarkKofman
  9 GhicaVanEmdeBoas
  5 AntonLitvinenko
Jun 2004 896 33 0 558 WebHome
 48 WebChanges
 42 ModelAndTransformationManagement
 29 TheBigPicture
 29 FuutDependencies
 28 WebNews
 17 WebPreferences
 15 GmtRoadmap
 14 WebContents
 14 GmtCore
 13 WebRss
 17 MarkKofman
  9 EelcoVisser
  6 JornBettin
  1 GhicaVanEmdeBoas
May 2004 64692 17 0 6234 DeCompilation?
3917 WebRss
1913 WebHome
1672 DecompilationResources?
1301 DecompilationCompilerSpecific?
1296 DecompilationDisassembly?
1231 DecompilationPossible?
1196 DecompilationGeneralApproach?
1157 JavaDecompilers?
1071 ProgramRefactoring?
921 DecompilationApplicationSpecificApproach?
  5 MikeVanEmmerik
  3 SimonMarsden
  3 AndrewWalenstein
  2 ManuelJimenez
  2 ChrisRussell
  1 MalcolmWallace
  1 JeanHenrard
Apr 2004 80609 37 0 6282 DeCompilation?
3314 WebRss
2130 WebHome
2004 WebStatistics
1893 DecompilationDisassembly?
1798 DecompilationResources?
1733 DecompilationCompilerSpecific?
1470 DecompilationGeneralApproach?
1286 JavaDecompilers?
1206 DecompilationPossible?
1193 DecompilationApplicationSpecificApproach?
  9 TomMens
  8 MaratBoshernitsan
  7 MikeVanEmmerik
  7 MartinBravenboer
  4 PierreEtienneMoreau
  1 LaurentPloix?
  1 EelcoVisser
Mar 2004 61381 46 0 6604 DeCompilation?
2284 WebRss
1938 WebHome
1721 DecompilationResources?
1584 DecompilationDisassembly?
1382 DecompilationCompilerSpecific?
1309 DecompilationGeneralApproach?
1201 DecompilationPossible?
1168 DecompilationApplicationSpecificApproach?
1052 JavaDecompilers?
937 ProgramTransformation?
 17 MartinBravenboer
  8 EelcoVisser
  7 MikeVanEmmerik
  5 TomMens
  4 YijunYu
  3 HenrikBach
  1 SelimLevent
  1 AndrewMalton
Feb 2004 44176 54 0 6193 DeCompilation?
1559 WebHome
1395 DecompilationResources?
1272 DecompilationPossible?
1239 JavaDecompilers?
1066 DecompilationGeneralApproach?
1052 DecompilationCompilerSpecific?
1003 DecompilationDisassembly?
809 AutomaticDecompiler?
784 DotNetDecompilers?
631 ReengineeringWiki?
 35 MartinBravenboer
 11 MikeVanEmmerik
  7 EelcoVisser
  1 ZhaoWay
Jan 2004 3578 34 0 462 WebHome
 58 DeCompilation?
 17 DecompilationResources?
 17 DecompilationDisassembly?
 15 DecompilationCompilerSpecific?
 14 DecompilationPossible?
 13 WebStatistics
 13 JavaLanguage?
 13 DecompilationGeneralApproach?
 13 DecompilationApplicationSpecificApproach?
 12 WebChanges
 19 MikeVanEmmerik
 13 MartinBravenboer
  2 JeffGray
Dec 2003 9088 15 4 845 WebStatistics
346 WebHome
 77 DecompilationApplicationSpecificApproach?
 74 DeCompilation?
 62 TransformationPeople?
 51 TransformationConferences?
 49 TransformationSystems?
 49 ReengineeringWiki?
 48 TransformationCompanies?
 42 SoftwareEvolution?
 38 DecompilationResources?
 13 MikeVanEmmerik
  4 EelcoVisser
  1 LinHu
  1 LarsVanJeurissen
Nov 2003 8602 16 0  75 WebHome
 59 ReengineeringWikiSiteMap?
 58 DomainEngineering?
 38 VariabilityManagement?
 36 DomainAnalysis?
 33 SoftwareProductLine?
 26 OrganizationDomainModeling?
 26 FeatureOrientedDomainAnalysis?
 26 FeatureModel?
 23 FeatureDiagram?
 22 DomainDesign?
 10 MikeVanEmmerik
  2 WillNorris
  2 PinkuSurana
  1 JensTroeger?
  1 EelcoVisser
Oct 2003 8658 25 0 789 WebStatistics
 78 DecompilationApplicationSpecificApproach?
 67 DeCompilation?
 64 WebHome
 58 TransformationPeople?
 56 TransformationConferences?
 51 ReengineeringWiki?
 49 TransformationSystems?
 46 TransformationCompanies?
 40 SoftwareEvolution?
 38 DecompilationResources?
 15 ReengineeringGuest
  7 MikeVanEmmerik
  2 MartinBravenboer
  1 ZhaoWay
Sep 2003 1522 19 1  68 DeCompilation?
 25 ReengineeringWikiSiteMap?
 25 GenerativeTools?
 23 ArieVanDeursen?
 23 ArchitectureExtraction?
 22 DomainEngineering?
 18 GenerativeEvents?
 16 WebStatistics
 16 GenerativeProgrammingWiki?
 15 VariabilityManagement?
 15 DomainAnalysis?
 12 MikeVanEmmerik
  4 EelcoVisser
  2 ArthurVanDam
  1 RobVanOmmering
  1 PatrickBrannan
Aug 2003 3494 24 0  21 WebStatistics
 15 WebHome
 14 DeCompilation?
 11 CodeWorker?
 11 CategoryPaper?
  9 VariabilityManagement?
  9 TransformationPeople?
  9 TransformationConferences?
  9 TransformationCompanies?
  9 ReengineeringWiki?
  9 ProgramTransformation?
 11 MikeVanEmmerik
  7 SergeDemeyer
  5 CedricLemaire
  1 ThomasGenssler
Jul 2003 6245 62 5  48 WebHome
 33 ProgramTransformation?
 27 WebStatistics
 27 DeCompilation?
 23 WorkshopOnRuleBasedProgramming?
 22 ReengineeringWiki?
 22 GenerativeProgrammingWiki?
 20 DomainSpecificLanguages?
 20 CategoryPaper?
 19 WebChanges
 19 TransformationCompanies?
 57 MikeVanEmmerik
  6 EelcoVisser
  2 JornBettin
  1 HolgerKienle
  1 BrianWood?
Jun 2003 2532 58 2  34 WebHome
 28 SoftwareEvolution?
 17 WorkshopOnRuleBasedProgramming?
 13 DeCompilation?
 12 WebChanges
 12 TheEssenceOfStrategicProgramming?
 12 DecompilationPossible?
 11 WebStatistics
 11 ProgramTransformation?
 10 ASurveyOfRewritingStrategiesInProgramTransformationSystems?
 24 TomMens
 14 MikeVanEmmerik
 14 KimMens
  4 EelcoVisser
  3 ArieVanDeursen
  1 MaD
May 2003 2511 64 0 140 WebHome
 50 DeCompilation?
 29 SoftwareEvolution?
 27 WebStatistics
 25 ProgramRefactoring?
 20 DecompilationDisassembly?
 17 WorkshopOnRuleBasedProgramming?
 16 WebNews
 16 WebChanges
 16 ReengineeringWiki?
 16 GenerativeProgrammingWiki?
 43 TomMens
 15 EelcoVisser
  5 MikeVanEmmerik
  1 HolgerKienle
Apr 2003 1190 14 0  33 WebStatistics
 12 DeCompilation?
  7 WebHome
  7 WebChanges
  7 ReengineeringWiki?
  7 ProgramTransformation?
  5 WorkshopOnRuleBasedProgramming?
  5 RigiSystem?
  4 TransformationPeople?
  4 TeachingSoftwareEvolution?
  4 DomainSpecificLanguages?
  9 JeanHenrard
  2 MikeVanEmmerik
  2 ArieVanDeursen
  1 DerekRoss
Mar 2003 531 107 0  29 WebStatistics
 20 DecompilationSalamanderTest?
 11 WebChanges
 11 DecompilationApplicationSpecificApproach?
 10 DotNetDecompilerTests?
 10 DeCompilation?
  6 DecompilationAnakrinoTest?
  5 DecompilerDesquirrTest?
  4 MachineCodeDecompilerTests?
  4 DotNetDecompilers?
  4 DecompilerImageViewerDotNetSource?
 97 MikeVanEmmerik
  8 MartinBravenboer
  2 ArieVanDeursen
Feb 2003 1017 268 5  74 DeCompilation?
 44 TransformationCompanies?
 29 DecompilationApplicationSpecificApproach?
 26 WebStatistics
 14 DecompilationJasciiTest?
 14 CompaniesOfferingDecompilationServices?
 13 WebHome
 13 WebChanges
 12 WebNews
 12 DecompilationDava?
 11 GenerativeCompanies?
231 MikeVanEmmerik
 19 ArieVanDeursen
  8 ReengineeringGuest
  7 RudolfFerenc
  4 MartinBravenboer
  3 EelcoVisser
  1 ChrisRussell
Jan 2003 409 184 2  63 ReengineeringWikiSiteMap?
 45 TransformationCompanies?
 30 WebStatistics
 30 DecompilationDava?
 22 DecompilationJrpTest?
 21 DecompilationApplicationSpecificApproach?
 14 DeCompilation?
 13 DecompilationJodeTest?
 13 CompaniesOfferingDecompilationServices?
 12 WebHome
 11 DecompilationGeneralApproach?
162 MikeVanEmmerik
 11 RudolfFerenc
  8 ArieVanDeursen
  3 SwarmDagstuhl
  2 EelcoVisser
Dec 2002 1978 21 0 580 ReengineeringWikiSiteMap?
 61 WebHome
 30 WebStatistics
  8 WorkshopOnRuleBasedProgramming?
  8 WebChanges
  6 TransformationCompanies?
  6 DocumentationGeneration?
  5 ReverseEngineering?
  5 MikeVanEmmerik?
  4 WebTools
  4 WebSearch
  7 TomFowler
  6 ArieVanDeursen
  3 MikeVanEmmerik
  2 JuhaPekkaTolvanen
  2 EelcoVisser
  1 RickScott
Nov 2002 1599 60 4  22 GenerativeCoreConcepts?
 18 WebStatistics
 16 WebHome
 16 WebChanges
 14 ReengineeringWikiSiteMap?
  9 WorkshopOnRuleBasedProgramming?
  7 WebNews
  7 GenerativeTechniquesInTheContextOfModelDrivenArchitecture?
  6 TransformationPeople?
  6 LeonMoonen?
  6 JeanMarieFavre?
 25 KrzysztofCzarnecki
  9 JeanMarieFavre
  9 EelcoVisser
  9 ArieVanDeursen
  6 MikeVanEmmerik
  4 JornBettin
  1 GermanVidal
  1 CorneliaBoldyreff
Oct 2002 3852 98 0  34 WebStatistics
 31 WorkshopOnRuleBasedProgramming?
 24 WebHome
 22 WebChanges
 15 ReengineeringWiki?
 14 TransformationSystems?
 13 ProgramTransformation?
 13 DomainEngineering?
 13 CategoryCategory?
 12 CategoryEntryPoint?
 11 TransformationConferences?
 53 HolgerKienle
 22 ArieVanDeursen
  8 EelcoVisser
  7 StephenHeffner
  5 JornBettin
  1 GermanVidal
  1 EvavanEmden
  1 CraigCleaveland
Sep 2002 8447 44 0 1043 DeCompilation?
596 WebHome
269 WorkshopOnRuleBasedProgramming?
149 ProgramTransformation?
145 ReengineeringWiki?
126 DecompilationPossible?
114 DecompilationResources?
113 GenerativeProgrammingWiki?
110 DecompilationCompilerSpecific?
106 DecompilationApplicationSpecificApproach?
100 DecompilationGeneralApproach?
 25 ArieVanDeursen
  5 MaD
  4 MikeVanEmmerik
  3 MartinBravenboer
  3 EelcoVisser
  2 MarkusVoelter
  1 SebastianPop
  1 DidierParigot
Aug 2002 17819 66 0 2039 DeCompilation?
1056 WebHome
417 WorkshopOnRuleBasedProgramming?
366 ProgramTransformation?
321 ReengineeringWiki?
257 DecompilationPossible?
256 GenerativeProgrammingWiki?
245 DecompilationDisassembly?
239 DecompilationResources?
226 DecompilationCompilerSpecific?
190 DecompilationGeneralApproach?
 38 ArieVanDeursen
 14 EelcoVisser
  6 TWikiGuest
  5 MikeVanEmmerik
  2 MontyZukowski
  1 MartinBravenboer
Jul 2002 18633 20 0 4499 DeCompilation?
1273 WebHome
594 DecompilationDisassembly?
536 ProgramTransformation?
519 DecompilationPossible?
480 DecompilationResources?
472 DecompilationGeneralApproach?
426 ReengineeringWiki?
332 DecompilationCompilerSpecific?
291 DecompilationApplicationSpecificApproach?
284 GenerativeProgrammingWiki?
  7 MikeVanEmmerik
  7 MaD
  3 ThomasGenssler
  1 TWikiGuest
  1 HolgerKienle
  1 ArieVanDeursen
Jun 2002 21200 53 0 5104 DeCompilation?
1801 WebHome
623 DecompilationPossible?
620 DecompilationResources?
560 DecompilationDisassembly?
519 ReengineeringWiki?
436 WorkshopOnRuleBasedProgramming?
395 DecompilationCompilerSpecific?
376 DecompilationApplicationSpecificApproach?
363 DecompilationGeneralApproach?
353 ProgramTransformation?
 22 MikeVanEmmerik
 20 EelcoVisser
  7 ArieVanDeursen
  2 MerijnDeJonge
  2 DavidEriksson
May 2002 34808 89 0 5622 DeCompilation?
1300 WebHome
832 WebStatistics
679 DecompilationPossible?
659 DecompilationDisassembly?
652 DecompilationResources?
586 ReengineeringWiki?
508 DecompilationCompilerSpecific?
501 DecompilationApplicationSpecificApproach?
463 ProgramTransformation?
438 GenerativeProgrammingWiki?
 14 MartinBravenboer
 14 CraigCleaveland
 11 MikeVanEmmerik
 10 JornBettin
 10 ArieVanDeursen
  9 JoostVisser
  9 IraBaxter
  6 DavidEriksson
  3 EelcoVisser
  1 JeroenScheerder
  1 BerndFischer
Apr 2002 23214 206 0 5528 DeCompilation?
1066 WebHome
698 DecompilationResources?
665 DecompilationDisassembly?
625 DecompilationPossible?
585 ReengineeringWiki?
481 DecompilationCompilerSpecific?
458 ProgramTransformation?
443 DecompilationApplicationSpecificApproach?
441 PcExeFormat?
421 DecompilationGeneralApproach?
109 JoostVisser
 49 ArieVanDeursen
 18 EelcoVisser
 14 ElliotChikofsky
 10 MikeVanEmmerik
  3 TWikiGuest
  2 GaneshSittampalam
  1 DavidEriksson
Mar 2002 16127 258 2 5009 DeCompilation?
834 WebHome
605 DecompilationPossible?
602 DecompilationResources?
581 DecompilationDisassembly?
523 ReengineeringWiki?
468 DecompilationCompilerSpecific?
410 DecompilationApplicationSpecificApproach?
387 PcExeFormat?
386 ProgramTransformation?
335 DecompilationGeneralApproach?
116 ArieVanDeursen
112 TWikiGuest
 28 EelcoVisser
  2 MikeVanEmmerik
  2 AndreyATerekhov
Feb 2002 23107 161 0 4730 DeCompilation?
1288 WebHome
552 DecompilationResources?
550 ReengineeringWiki?
537 DecompilationDisassembly?
536 ProgramTransformation?
490 DecompilationPossible?
396 PcExeFormat?
377 DecompilationCompilerSpecific?
345 DecompilationApplicationSpecificApproach?
336 DecompilationGeneralApproach?
104 ArieVanDeursen
 21 MikeVanEmmerik
 21 EelcoVisser
  5 RudolfFerenc
  4 JoostVisser
  3 JurgenVinju
  3 DavidEriksson
Jan 2002 22158 183 1 3102 DeCompilation?
1263 WebHome
427 ReengineeringWiki?
413 DecompilationDisassembly?
390 DecompilationResources?
374 ProgramTransformation?
334 DecompilationPossible?
317 DecompilationCompilerSpecific?
304 DecompilationApplicationSpecificApproach?
268 PcExeFormat?
222 DecompilationGeneralApproach?
105 ArieVanDeursen
 56 EelcoVisser
 21 MikeVanEmmerik
  2 TWikiGuest
Dec 2001 21983 530 0 2861 DeCompilation?
1006 WebHome
445 DecompilationResources?
357 DecompilationDisassembly?
331 DecompilationPossible?
322 ProgramTransformation?
320 BinaryTranslation?
273 ReverseAndReengineeringRoadmap?
250 DecompilationCompilerSpecific?
246 PcExeFormat?
227 WebChanges
196 EelcoVisser
184 MikeVanEmmerik
122 ArieVanDeursen
 14 JamesCordy
  8 BerndFischer
  2 JoostVisser
  1 YanZhang
  1 TWikiGuest
  1 MartinBravenboer
  1 GraemeChandler
Nov 2001 14309 427 3 1025 DeCompilation?
706 WebHome
274 ReengineeringWiki?
204 WebChanges
202 ProgramTransformation?
185 DecompilationDisassembly?
128 DecompilationPossible?
126 ReverseEngineering?
116 CategoryCategory?
104 DecompilationCompilerSpecific?
 95 TransformationSystems?
216 MikeVanEmmerik
114 ArieVanDeursen
 86 EelcoVisser
  8 TWikiGuest
  3 ChristopheDeDinechin
  2 GraemeChandler
  1 FransFaase
Oct 2001 28198 320 1 472 Transform
331 ReengineeringWiki
254 WebChanges
194 ProgramTransformation
170 ReverseEngineering
163 TheOnlineSurveyOfProgramTransformation
161 SwarmForum
138 TransformationSystems
133 ReengineeringWikiSiteMap
130 DomainEngineering
200 ArieVanDeursen
68 EelcoVisser
44 TWikiGuest
7 MartinBravenboer
1 FrankGerhardt?
1 BrianMitchell?
Sep 2001 25235 172 0 436 Transform
271 ReengineeringWiki
204 SwarmForum
174 WebChanges
156 ProgramTransformation
143 TheOnlineSurveyOfProgramTransformation
133 TransformationSystems
114 ProgrammingLanguages
107 DomainEngineering
100 ReverseEngineering
89 ArieVanDeursen
35 TWikiGuest
24 MaD
24 EelcoVisser
Aug 2001 21452 119 0 381 Transform
249 ReengineeringWiki
199 SwarmForum
150 WebChanges
128 ProgramTransformation
123 TheOnlineSurveyOfProgramTransformation
101 DomainEngineering
99 TransformationSystems
95 ReverseEngineering
92 TransformationPeople
76 ArieVanDeursen
25 TWikiGuest
12 EelcoVisser
4 GaneshSittampalam
2 MerijnDeJonge
Jul 2001 17804 36 0 259 Transform
130 ProgramTransformation
123 SwarmForum
98 ReengineeringWiki
83 TransformationSystems
83 TheOnlineSurveyOfProgramTransformation
71 DomainSpecificLanguages
67 DMS%20Toolkit
66 DomainEngineering
64 GenerativeProgrammingBook?
25 TWikiGuest
9 ArieVanDeursen
2 EelcoVisser
Jun 2001 15465 110 7 288 Transform
168 ReengineeringWiki
114 WebChanges
113 SwarmForum
112 ProgramTransformation
89 TransformationSystems
72 TheOnlineSurveyOfProgramTransformation
65 ProgrammingLanguages
65 DomainSpecificLanguages
62 TransformationCompanies
49 TWikiGuest
48 ArieVanDeursen
17 EelcoVisser
1 LeonMoonen?
1 HendrikBoom
1 ArneDeBruijn
May 2001 18463 253 0 424 Transform
213 ReengineeringWiki
170 ProgramTransformation
156 WebChanges
124 TheOnlineSurveyOfProgramTransformation
115 TransformationSystems
106 DomainSpecificLanguages
104 DomainEngineering
74 GenerativeProgrammingBook?
71 ProgrammingLanguages
115 ArieVanDeursen
71 EelcoVisser
66 TWikiGuest
1 RubenBoer?
Apr 2001 4435 89 0 223 Transform
173 ReengineeringWiki
105 WebChanges
76 TheOnlineSurveyOfProgramTransformation
59 ProgramTransformation
43 ProgrammingLanguages
42 DomainSpecificLanguages
41 TransformationSystems
31 TransformationPeople
30 SwarmForum
47 ArieVanDeursen
27 TWikiGuest
15 EelcoVisser
Mar 2001 7154 215 0 395 Transform
194 ReengineeringWiki
178 WebChanges
105 TheOnlineSurveyOfProgramTransformation
66 WebPreferences
59 WebLeftBar
55 ProgramTransformation
50 DomainSpecificLanguages
45 WikiWebs
45 WikiTools
82 TWikiGuest
72 EelcoVisser
53 ArieVanDeursen
8 JoostVisser


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Number of topics: 31